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Summer Foodbank Appeal

Michael Brown

This summer, at the end of August we will be contributing to the Dundee and Angus Foodbank as we have done throughout the year. Food items that they are in urgent need of, tinned meats (corned beef, stew, steak, mince), coffee (beans/instant), diluting juice, long life milk (UHT milk). Healthcare products, nappies (preferably sizes 6 & 7), and toiletries, this includes soaps (liquid or bar), body wash (shower gel), shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, body and face lotions and suncream.

We do appreciate any items donated, however, if you would like us to do the shopping for you we are happy to take a monetary donations, this can be done either in person or over the phone.

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